乳房x光检查 and 乳房护理


1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. But, with early detection, the five-year survival rate is almost 100%. 这就是为什么对所有年龄段的女性来说,了解自己的乳房健康是如此重要, and for women age 40 and over to schedule an annual mammogram.

我们的乳房和骨骼健康中心是全国著名的乳房中心之一,被美国外科医师协会癌症委员会命名为国家乳房中心认证项目, and has been designated a 乳房 Imaging Center of Excellence.


Mammogram Scheduling

(317) 745-3404


Hendricks Regional Health 乳房 Center
乳房 Surgical 护理 & High Risk Prevention Clinic

(317) 718-9000

亨德瑞塑料 & Reconstructive 手术
化妆品 & Reconstructive Surgical 护理

(317) 718-7980

Hendricks Surgical Associates
General Surgical 护理

(317) 745-3740

Center for 乳房 and Bone Health

Hendricks Regional Health 乳房 Surgeons

Our Center for 乳房 and Bone Health, located at our 丹维尔 and 所 hospitals, includes our special Follow-Up 乳房 Program. Our experienced team provides a continuum of breast health diagnostics, treatment and supportive care, including a full complement of breast surgery, 医学肿瘤学, radiation oncology and plastic and reconstructive surgery.

如果病人在亨德里克斯地区乳腺健康中心被诊断出患有乳腺癌, they are seen by a fellowship-trained breast surgical oncologist within 24小时. 发现我们广泛的最先进的太阳城集团官网导航提供给男女在丹维尔校区的位置.


乳房x光检查 太阳城集团官网导航

乳房x光检查 Guidelines

Mammograms serve a vital role in breast cancer screening. 乳房x光检查是一种用于检测乳房异常的x光检查. 乳房x光检查也可以检测正在经历疼痛的患者的乳房疾病, discharge or have a lump in the breast.

美国癌症协会建议,只要身体健康,40岁及以上的女性每年都要做一次常规的乳房x光检查, and who show no signs or symptoms of breast cancer. 如果你的风险较高,你的医生已经告诉你要尽早开始筛查,这可能会改变. A doctor's order is not required to schedule mammogram services.

3 d乳房x光检查

数字乳房断层合成,或3D乳房x线照相术,是fda批准的工具,能够 detecting breast cancer up to 15 months earlier than a 2D mammogram. 3D mammograms provide a clearer scan, allowing our team to detect smaller breast cancers, pinpoint tumor size and location, and reduce follow-up testing.

我们的医生认为所有患者都可以从3D乳房x光检查中受益,并应充分利用先进的技术. 有乳腺癌家族史或乳腺组织致密的患者是这种3D成像选择的最佳人选.




Mammogram 资源



What to Expect During Your Mammogram

At Hendricks Regional Health, we offer the newest state-of-the-art 3D mammography services, as well as breast imaging services, including digital mammography screenings, 乳房核磁共振成像, 和超声波. 3D乳房x光检查包括在几个医疗保险计划和一些保险公司中. If your insurance company does not cover 3D mammography, you may need to pay an additional fee of approximately $60. 由印第安纳州乳腺癌意识信托基金(IBCAT)授予的赠款使我们有可能为那些有资格获得经济援助的人提供免费的乳房x光检查和诊断太阳城集团官网导航, as well as offer specialized support to patients following a diagnosis.

一次标准的乳房x光检查只需要大约15分钟,结果第二天就会寄出去. 诊断性乳房x光检查大约需要30分钟,在病人回家之前就能得到结果. 如果需要额外的随访,如活检,可以安排在同一天. 在每次乳房x光检查中,我们的工作人员将决定是否有更高风险的患者应该进入我们的 Special Follow-Up 乳房 Program. Even if you have had a normal mammogram, 你的危险因素可能使你成为高危乳房项目的一个很好的候选人.

太阳城集团官网导航中心,我们希望为我们的病人提供尽可能多的信息,让他们对这项重要的预防性筛查做出有教育意义的决定. Please contact us with any questions, and visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for further reading.

High Risk Evaluation & 监测

那些有个人和/或家族癌症病史的人可以在太阳城集团官网导航高风险预防诊所进行遗传风险评估和高风险监测. 遗传风险评估是一种血液测试,可以筛查8种重要癌症类型的20多种基因. For women especially, BRCA1和BRCA2基因突变会增加患乳腺癌和卵巢癌的风险.



Additional 乳房 影像太阳城集团官网导航


乳房超声波可用于评估疼痛或肿胀等症状, to distinguish between solid tumors and fluid-filled cysts, and to examine growths or lumps found by a mammogram screening. This technique uses sound waves to create images of all areas of the breast; no radiation is used. 乳房超声波不能代替常规的乳房x光检查或乳房检查, as they do not always detect early signs of breast cancer.

Stereotactic Biopsy

立体定向活检利用计算机辅助检测来帮助确定可疑区域, such as calcifications or other breast distortions, assisting radiologists in diagnosis. 立体定向活检采用数字技术指导医生找到乳房病变部位. 乳房核磁共振成像技术以更高的分辨率处理乳房图像. Performed on patients newly diagnosed, 乳房核磁共振成像给医生提供了最好的机会,在第二个乳房早期发现额外的癌症病变或癌症.


Every Woman Has a Story


病人的故事 - Natalie

Every woman has a story. From breast cancer diagnosis to reconstructive surgery, 看看亨德里克斯地区医疗中心是如何帮助这些不可思议的女性谱写人生新篇章的.

满足博士. 打保龄球

满足博士. 莫奈保龄球

医学博士莫奈·鲍林(莫奈保龄球)是太阳城集团官网导航中心(Hendricks Regional Health)的一名获得委员会认证的乳房外科医生. 学习她独一无二的方法来帮助她的病人保持健康、快乐和远离乳腺癌.


满足博士. 斯科特

满足博士. 雷切尔•斯科特

雷切尔•斯科特, MD, is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon. Learn how she delivers expert care to her patients, including those with breast cancer, and helps them become their most confident selves.

满足博士. Mattingly

满足博士. 安妮Mattingly

医学博士安妮·马丁利是一位乳房外科肿瘤学家,她相信以患者为中心的护理. 以下是她如何与她的病人相处,并引导他们度过乳腺癌的旅程.


Survivorship Program
